Interactive Video: Defining the Future

Could Interactive Video Drive Better and Bigger Results for Your Marketing Campaign?

Interactive video is one of the most cutting edge types of marketing available today. In short, it transforms video from being information and a traditional speech about a product or service into a conversation and an engaging marketing tool. It gets your customers involved, builds your brand, and creates lasting results. What is this type of video and should you be incorporating it into your next marketing campaign?

What Is Interactive Video?

There are a variety of ways the average video can become interactive. In short, the goal is to get people to interact with or engage with the video in some way. This type of video allows for the addition of tools and features in videos that make them more interesting. This may include the use of questions, lead generation tools, hot spots, and even calculations. It encourages the viewer of the video to interact in some manner.

For example, your videos can feature a speaker who asks the audience a question. Instead of assuming the answer, the video displays two options for the viewer to choose from. This allows you to gather information from those questions that can later be helpful to you in your marketing, product development, sales methods, or even in turning that customer into a paying client.

Why Is Interactive Video So Important?

First, these videos still deliver valuable information. They still inform your viewer about the topic or service. That’s important. But, they go one step further. They allow the viewer to interact, which can do several things:

  • It answers your questions so you can better reach their needs.
  • It allows you to solve a specific problem for the watcher.
  • It creates a lasting impression on that viewer as well.

You can use these videos to gather a wide range of data points. This may include benchmarking the individual against his or her peers. It may include determining that person’s specific needs. This rich source of data can help you to fill your sales funnel with valuable information. It improves the development of profiles, creates effective nurturing programs, and allows for demand generation.

How Can You Use It Today?

When you work with Kicker Video to create interactive video, you can tailor the content for just about any goal you have. You can use them for:

  • Capturing leads on your website
  • Giving consumers information based on their specific needs
  • Building your brand
  • Use them to gather leads that have extensively built profiles
  • Keep the conversation going with the audience you have

What’s more, you can customize these interactive videos in any way that you would like to. Give them a survey. Create a true and false question session for them that answers their burning questions about your products. Use the video to allow for write-in answers to give you even more valuable information to use in your marketing and lead generation process.

Interactive videos are highly effective. People like them and respond well to them. As a result, you’ll see more people than ever interacting with your business.

At Kicker Video, we can help you to develop a powerful, informative and interactive video that gets leads and aids your business. Contact us today to learn more about how interactive videos really can define the success of your business.


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