Sales and Marketing Videos

There are thousands of ways to attract customers, create purchasing interest and lead to a sale, and no method is completely guaranteed to work every time. Marketing and sales are constantly evolving, with some approaches gaining in prominence while others disappear into the oblivion.

  • Which approaches do you use?
  • Have you found a methodology that works for every type of customer?
  • Are you aware of the increasing focus of people on visuality?

No one wants to be out of step with the times

No matter who your particular customers are, in all likelihood, they are used to watching a lot of video materials. A number of recent studies have shown that an average person in Canada or the United States spends a significant part (or even most) of their free time either watching television or looking at entertainment materials on the Internet – why would you want to miss out on an opportunity to engage with these potential customers on a regular basis? Consumers that were once accustomed to reading sales pamphlets and greeting salespeople at their doorstep now would much rather watch colorful and dynamic sales and marketing videos. If videos weren’t something you did as part of your marketing before – now it has to be if you are to play a visible role in the marketplace.

How can I use videos for my business idea?

There are at least as many different uses for sales and marketing videos as there are businesses. Everyone’s approach is unique. Some companies employ videos as a way to promote their new product launches. Others demonstrate those parts of their service guarantees that look dull on paper but inspiring on the screen. Another group uses videos as a bridge between them and the surrounding community, recording personalized greetings from company leadership set in the environment in question. Sales and marketing videos can be in the form of infomercials, cartoons, newscasts, chants, mini-series, music videos and so on and so forth – the precise uses are limited by one thing and one thing only: your creativity. Whatever the strategy and the implementation are, a well-designed and correctly executed video marketing campaign has the potential to radically improve brand recognition, increase sales, double or triple conversions, to name just a few of the outcomes we have seen over the years.

Why should I choose you for this kind of work?

As with many other services, sales and marketing videos are now produced by a vast number of smaller and larger companies throughout the world. Some would offer outrageously low costs for this sophisticated project. Others would try to steal the entire marketing budget for a single short video. At Kicker Video, we believe in a different approach – we listen to our customers, take careful notes and then produce energetic and powerful videos to the clients’ specifications and exceeding the customers’ expectations. We are a professional and highly skilled group with a passion for making video marketing campaigns that are light years ahead of the competition.


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