The 10 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Purchasing Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are becoming one of the best, most sought after tools for today’s marketing. That’s because, when done well, they are one of the best tools you have for marketing a product. While they do an excellent job of converting visitors to buyers, there’s one big problem that commonly occurs with these videos. They fail when they aren’t done well.

But, it’s not just who you order from that matters.

It also matters how you communicate your needs and less about your product or the video itself. In other words, if you do not put enough time and effort into creating an effective script for your explainer video, it can’t succeed.

Of course there are other factors involved, such as the animation and action, but there are several key mistakes you can avoid during the ordering process that can make a big difference in the outcome you have.

Are You Making These Mistakes?

Check out these mistakes – the ones most clients make.

  1. You don’t really know what you want, just that you want animation. Before heading into a conversation with a developer, determine if you want 2D animation or 3D. Determine if you want motion graphics or another type of animation.
  2. You didn’t hire the right animation company for your needs. It’s more than looking at their portfolio; you also need to ensure that, after watching an example explainer video, you should understand the topic.
  3. You haven’t defined the actual goal of your project. Do you plan to use it on social media, a website, or even a trade show? Communicating this ensures the best final result.
  4. Your scripted doesn’t flow well. You “get” the message because you are on the inside of your company and you know your product. If it doesn’t flow, though, your clients and customers won’t get it.
  5. You aren’t giving the designers enough space. Allow the professionals, who understand the trade and your company or product, work their magic. If you need changes later, that’s one thing. But, if you limit the creativity too much, you’ll limit your success overall.
  6. Your animated script is just too formal. You don’t want your script to be so over-the-top technical that people get bored and move on.
  7. You aren’t providing enough information. On the other hand, it is quite common for businesses to provide only a bit of information. Don’t assume your customer is going to make it to the website to learn more.
  8. It’s just too long. People are not likely to remain watching your video for very long. Even if you have a lot to say, it isn’t likely to be communicated in the right way. Stick to about 150 words.
  9. Don’t wait too long. If you have a deadline, build in plenty of time for the project to be completed. Rushing it will limit the overall quality.
  10. You didn’t tell them what to do. At the end of your video, you need to build in a call to action to tell your customers what their next step is.

If you take a bit more time to create a more effective script and product, you’ll really have something that works. It teaches, it explains, and it creates customers as a direct result.


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