The Top 3 Marketing Challenges that Video Resolves

Investing in videography is more than just a trend. It is one of the best ways for today’s business owner to seize key opportunities to market to customers in a way that’s engaging and attention grabbing. Video has become a powerful marketing resource. It’s estimated that by the end of the year, 69 percent of all consumer-related internet traffic will be video-oriented. Just look at Facebook with its 4 billion video views every day. But, how can video be an important and valuable tool for your small business?

The question is – why does video marketing help your business to stand out and to get the attention it needs from today’s consumer?

#1: Video Transports Your Viewer Some Place Else

One of the keys to the success of video is its ability to take people somewhere else. As a business, you can create a video that transports your would-be customers to a new location – one that helps them to see the value of working with you. For example, a hotel can create a video about the surrounding area and truly capture the audience’s attention. This is where they want to be. And, if they want to be there, they can do that by embracing the company’s services. Video can show your customer how your products are made or take a person behind the scenes. Where can you transport your video viewers to?

#2: Videos Share Key Information

Unlike a basic ad, video can actually demonstrate a solution or show an opportunity with visuals that stand out and create a stunning impression. For example, the best way to show your customers the value of your product is to demonstrate its function. A how-to video is a great example of this, but it doesn’t have to be that specific. For example, you can showcase your line of clothing or bathroom fixtures in a video that shows them being used and how they work. This opens the door for the consumer. He or she now can transfer that solution or function to their own life. How are your videos showing your viewers how your product or service benefits them?

#3: Videos Open Eyes

Finally, video can also be used as a way to communicate something new, interesting, innovative, disruptive, or just unique. Video can provide someone with information they need, but don’t know they need. For example, a doctor’s office can create a new video about a unique procedure they are launching or a recently approved FDA medication. In doing so, they can show their reader that this is a new opportunity, a new idea, or a new way of accomplishing something.

Video is powerful. Marketing with video simply makes sense financially because it is a cost-effective way to get your message out to the public. The question is – how can you use video to communicate your message in the most effective way?


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