How Video Can Improve Your Emails

Can adding a video to your email make a difference? Email marketing remains one of the most valuable of all marketing tools today because it reaches people right where they are – on their phones, at work, or at home. But, getting people to engage with that email isn’t always easy to do. Video can help. In fact, it can help by improving click through rates and boosting your marketing return. It encourages people to engage with your brand, not just skim an email.

How to Make Video in Email Effective

Considering the value video can offer to your email, you should be looking for effective ways to add it to any marketing campaign you’re creating. Whether you are reaching out to customers after they’ve placed an order or you are looking for ways to embrace a potential customer, these tips can help make it a success.

  • Always include your company’s personality. Video is the perfect medium to let your personality come through. You don’t have to be overly professional in your video messages. In fact, the more unique you are, the more likely you’ll get their attention.
  • Embrace the GIF. A GIF is a short video that replays the same few seconds of material over and over again. It’s fun to watch and makes a point. It’s also a simple type of video to make. The addition of a simple GIF to your emails is sure to get them to be read.
  • Create videos meant for your audience. Here’s another important step that many people miss. You have to ensure the video you create is one that’s going to reach the right audience in the right manner. Create multiple videos, then, to achieve this. You’ll want to use marketing techniques to reach various audiences based on demographics, who they are, and where they are in the sales cycle.
  • Make them educational. You can allow the videos themselves to serve as an educational tool or resource. That is, you can produce several videos and send them off within your email marketing campaign over a few days or weeks. This is a fantastic way to create a solid relationship with your readers. They are getting something they want at no cost and you are building your brand.
  • Work to improve your subject line. The most difficult part of the entire process has nothing to do with your product or even the video itself, but the subject line. Be sure the reader knows you’re including a video in your email. Tell them why to open it. Be sure to test the results of various subject lines to see how your customers respond.

Hands down, email video is a must for today’s marketer. You need to capture the attention of your audience immediately. You don’t have to wait until they get to know your brand and visit your website. Instead, incorporate email into your email marketing campaign and watch to see how your customers and readers respond. You’ll find this is one of the most effective methods available today.


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