Top 8 Video Faux Pas Your Business Can’t Afford to Make

When making videos to promote your business, there are plenty of things you need to do from ensuring proper lighting to creating a strong story. Yet, there are also a few must-avoid situations. You don’t want to make these faux pas to limit the success of your videos. Here’s a look at the biggest mistakes to avoid.

#1: Avoid the green screen

Let’s be honest here. The green screen is necessary in some cases, but if you can find a set instead, that’s the route to take. Green screens are too time-consuming and don’t offer the best results.

#2: Don’t have music fade at the end of the video

It’s great when a backing track stops at the same time as your video, but the mistake to avoid is the fading out of that music at the end of the video. Bring the music and the video to the same stop.

#3: Jump cuts do not always work

Many people use jump cuts, and in many cases, they can be ideal. However, it does not have to be the only option. Instead, put some thought into your shots before you shoot to help you avoid this editing problem.

#4: Too little time

When you are working with a video production company, you need to ensure there is plenty of time available for the entire shoot. That includes a good amount of time for setup, lighting, and prepping your team. Don’t put too little time into this type of background work.

#5: Good enough during the shoot isn’t okay

It’s common to put too much demand on the editing process. You don’t want to have to fix a great deal during the post-shoot. Instead, you want to get it as close to right during your video shooting.

#6: Too much acting

Avoid putting the pressure on your talent to act. You want them to really be able to convey a specific emotion and to create a very real level of feeling. The best way to do this is to use people who really do get the company.

#7: Not picking the right location for the time of day

It’s easy to make this mistake when you have a business schedule, but it will cost you. You want to consider things like lighting well in advance to avoid the complications later.

#8: Not hiring a pro

You can do some of the lighting, setup, and production yourself, but you’ll save time and money by hiring a pro.

Are you making these critical mistakes? Avoiding them allows you to have a better finished product.


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