Top B2B Marketing Tips for 2020

If there is any consistent truth about effective B2B marketing strategies, it is that those strategies are constantly changing year in and year out. Some strategies that couldn’t fail at the start of 2019 are already outdated at the start of 2020. Adjusting your B2B marketing strategies every year is critical to long term success. If you haven’t yet introduced video into your marketing strategies, now is the time to start using these tips customized for 2020.

Personalize Your Messages

One of the hidden advantages of video marketing is that it has the potential to feel more intimate than marketing with static forms of media. More than any still image ever could, video lets potential clients see every aspect of your business that you choose to showcase. In 2020, when clients are more discerning than ever, it is critical to really make that personal connection.

Effective video marketing should put your entire operation on display. Don’t just tell viewers who you are as a company. Show them, by letting them watch your employees as they work. If possible, include a real client in your video and highlight how your product or service has benefited them. Observing the process and the benefits in living color will encourage potential clients to purchase your services.

Make Your Videos Fun

People are highly influenced by their emotions when making decisions about the products and services they will use. You want to infuse your videos with content that evokes positive emotions in order to best engage your audience. Content that is clever or amusing is more likely to encourage clients to choose your services over content that appeals to logic.

There are a variety of ways to include levity in your videos. Incorporating popular memes, parodying popular media, or using exaggerated portrayals are all excellent ways to inject comedy into your video marketing. The key to using effective humor is not to go overboard. If it gets overwhelming, it will distract from your message. And always be careful not to accidentally insult while trying to amuse.

Answer the Client Questions Before They Ask Them

Very often clients know what their end goal is, but have no clue how to get there. You may offer the perfect product or service to reach that goal, but the client doesn’t understand that, you won’t make a sale.

The best B2B video marketing explains how your product or service will help your clients obtain their end goal. Your videos should educate potential clients by giving straightforward explanations of the benefits they should expect to see. It should also highlight past success stories that best represent the advantages of connecting with your business.

Putting It All Together

The strongest B2B marketing videos in 2020 will combine all these tips in a witty and engaging motion picture. They will be videos that make the client feel like they personally walked into the door of the business and walked side by side with employees throughout the work process. They will be videos make the client smile and occasionally laugh, even while nodding in understanding at how this business can support them. Marketing videos that embrace these philosophies are sure to succeed in 2020.


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