Top Reasons To Use Video on Your Website

Grumpy Cat on VideoVideo is not only a marketing tool for television, the use of video advertising is now taking over the web. The reasons to use video on your website are now making it an utmost necessity to have it as an accompaniment to regular textual content. Here is an outline of some of the top reasons to have video content on your website.

SEO Benefits

Video is now an important part of search results, and as such, having a well ranked video is also a great benefit. If your video turns up on the main pages of a search results page, you are a step closer to ensuring that your visitor will be directed to the content you want them to view first. There is no need to search around the page for the information; it will be right there in an easily accessible format. Embedding search terms in your video’s metadata will work the same as using such techniques on a web page.

Shows Personality of the Company

We all love stories of corporate social responsibility and meeting with real people instead of machines when we want to conduct business. Putting a video of your company on your page can have the same effect. Having an actor or real employee speaking almost in a conversational tone to your visitors, may serve to give the users a better user experience and actually give them a chance to associate a voice/face to your company. You can build a relationship with your potential clients by introducing them to a more personal experience with a current employee. You could also use this tactic for client feedback, praise seems less generic when it is coming from a real person on screen than when written on a webpage.

Places Important Information on the Forefront

Reading through site content for the information needed is not ideal for everyone. Providing a short video with the information you deem most important to your clients, or even information on specials, can save your clients time. This can be placed strategically throughout the site, or on the sidebar for continuous visibility. You can also ensure it plays automatically, when the page loads, thus giving you an opportunity to ‘shout out’ the information you want to relay to the customer before he or she finds it otherwise.

Improves Overall User Experience

In this graphics rich, multimedia age nothing is more graphics intensive than a well produced video. Keeping this in mind, adding a video or audio to your website for your prospective clients to enjoy will provide a richer user experience.

Whether you have thought about adding video or not, there are some good arguments to adding video to your site. Contact Kicker, the supreme video production powerhouse for ideas on how we can help.


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