Using Video to Improve your ROI

Video marketing is one of the most powerful tools you have as a business owner to reach a diverse audience. Video consumption is growing rapidly, making the simple one-minute video one of the most important investments you can make in your growing business. But, how can you double your return on investment using video? Try these tips.

#1: Don’t focus on viral content

Many times, marketers make the mistake of believing the only videos that will get attention are those that go viral. Not only is that not true, trying to create such a viral video is rather impossible. However, video does generate about three times as many visitors to a website a month than other marketing methods such as text posts. What’s the solution? Create highly targeted messages directed right at the most likely customer for your business.

#2: Keep it real

You do not have to spend a lot of money on a complex video. Keep things as realistic and authentic as possible. You should use a professional to create the videos for you, but using them is rather easy to do. Include them in your social media campaign. Complex videos are too commercial-like. Your videos should deliver a more personal message.

#3: Use your videos to draw in qualified leads

The next step in the process is to make sure your videos are easily accessible where users want to and can see them. This means positioning them on YouTube. It also means using them on Facebook and your other social media accounts. And, you should also create videos for your website. Statistics say that 60 percent of people who visit a website will watch a video before they read the material on the page. The right content will give you the best possible outcome in turning those visitors into buyers.

#4: Test and monitor what works

To improve your ROI, you need to determine what type of video and what type of use of that video is getting attention. Look for key performance indicators, or details that indicate how well the customer responds to your videos. There are various ways to do this including:

  • Considering how much time they spend on the landing page
  • How many videos lead to consumers signing up or taking action
  • Which videos are actually converting leads
  • CTR on the landing page

If you use a site like YouTube to display your videos, you’ll find analytical tools are available to help you to see who is watching the videos, where they are coming from, and what they do after they’ve watched your video. Use this information to make decisions about future video creation.

#5: Use videos as lead positioning in your sales funnel

Videos are not just lead creators. They should also be informative tools that answer questions about the leads you get. For example, it’s important to evaluate leads based on their attention span and then insert those leads into your sales funnel based on their interest. For example, if someone watches three of your videos and signs up, they are highly interested. If someone just catches a few seconds of your video, they may not be ready for your marketing call.

Most importantly, create videos on a consistent basis and ensure they are providing the very best message. With the help of video production, you can easily create a stream of videos that keeps your customers’ attention.


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