Mobile Marketing: Why Video is Winning

There’s no doubt. A well planned out and targeted video campaign gets results. In fact, there is more evidence than ever that shows video marketing is even directly related to successful business growth. Brands of all types are using it in their mobile marketing campaigns. Just take a look at some of the numerous.

Take a Look at the Numbers

A study from eMarketer found that, in the US, the average consumer is taking in 10 hours of digital content every day. And, digital forms of content are about half of that amount. A great deal of the growth that has happened for many businesses today is coming directly from the integration of video into mobile marketing. It’s not just any type of video content, though. It is content from mobile devices. About 55 percent of all mobile data traffic comes from video content. The largest chunk of this is coming from individual users.

The bottom line is – people are using and watching more video than ever. When used properly, it is at the heart of a business’s growth strategy and a company’s marketing plan. And as network connectivity and speed increases, we can expect those numbers to grow even further especially over the next four or so years.

Why Is Marketing So Heavily Video Dominated?

Today’s marketing professional knows they need to change their marketing methods to reach the current user. That means modifying the types of video content produced so that it reaches the devices those consumers are using.

It’s also important to note a change in the way marketers are using video. It is no longer about interrupting the customer’s television program to offer a commercial. Instead, it is putting video out there that customers and consumers come to instead. When marketers create video that’s engaging, customers come to them. And, with that comes the dominance of sharing. When marketing is so good, it gets shared. That creates a great deal out outcome from minimal overall effort.

Developing A Mobile Marketing Strategy Based on Video

Today’s internet user understands that advertising is going to be a key component of their online experience. Some reports even say as much as 79 percent of online users accept this. However, they demand high quality video content. What do companies need to keep in mind when trying to create effective videos for mobile marketing?

  • Video cannot be intrusive into what the consumer wants. For example, the content must match what the consumer likely is interested in. It must be targeted.
  • It has to be the highest quality possible. If it isn’t engaging, it won’t get attention.
  • It’s essential to understand the consumer base to ensure that the tone, opinions, humor, and content fits their unique needs.
  • It must deliver a strong and consistent message. The brand image and overall personality of the company must come through.
  • Technically, trends are focused on vertically displayed video as that’s the way most people interact with their phones.

Interactive video marketing for mobile campaigns needs to be a key component in any marketing campaign. The more engaging and memorable the content is, the more likely the consumer is to share it and interact with it. That’s why it is so important for companies to develop strategies that allow for the very best content development to occur. When used, it works.


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