Video for Business: The Car Dealership

Car dealerships have a difficult job to do. You have to market your vehicle to a very local audience and get them to come to your location. There are many fantastic ways to do this, but using pre-made videos from the manufacturer is not the only option. It may not even be the best option. Instead, change things up. Incorporate your own video marketing into your game plan. When you do, you’ll find that you’ll have more people interested not just in a car, but also your business.

Social Media at the Heart of It

Car dealerships need to have a social media presence. Facebook is a good place to start. You need to create a business page that lets you interact with locals in your area and within your marketing segment. Here’s what’s important. Incorporate engaging photos and outstanding materials into your social media. These are opportunities for you to grow your presence – because videos are easily shareable – and it helps you to bring people in the door.

How to Make it Possible

How can you pull off creating this type of buzz and drama? It all starts with video. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  • Show off the existing cars on your lot. Don’t make this too promotional. Instead, provide an overview of what’s on your lot and what’s coming in. Video of the vehicles being delivered can spark the interest in your viewers.
  • Showcase people who just bought from you. If you have a few stories that can tug on the heartstrings, these will get more shares.
  • Let the kids doing the talking. Everyone loves a cute message involving your customers’ children. Why not incorporate them into a few of your videos.
  • Focus on tips. A very good way to market your car dealership is to talk about how to buy, what to look for, how to maintain, and how to sell a vehicle. Do not make these promotional. Instead, make them highly educational and clear. Teach people how to change a tire. Create a video for checking out the air in the tires.
  • Showcase your business with a walkthrough. Let your agents do the talking. Give interviews with them as well. Elevate the conversation by creating videos about market conditions and how individuals can use various rebates to get more money back.

Car dealerships can create long-term customers by building this type of social media presence. You’ll want to invest wisely in a plan that is going to capture their attention. Video marketing for car dealerships can be engaging, interesting, and very helpful.


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