What Is Better for Your Business: “Snackable” Content or Longer, In-depth Video?

Incorporating video into your business model is essential in today’s digitally connected world. Yet, many businesses are on the edge of their seats wondering what type of video is best. What type of content should you be providing to your social media users or to those visiting your website, subscribing to your email list, or otherwise engaging with your company? The good news is video is highly effective.

What Do Millennials Really Want from Brands?

Most likely, your ideal customer is the Millennial, one of the most valuable of all marketing demographics today. These individuals are at the heart of your question. What do they want (and what do they) consume?

If you turn to some in the marketing industry, especially those who use Twitter and other short form marketing tools, the goal is to create short and to-the-point, but catchy content. One example of this type of advertising is that which is used by Buzzfeed. There’s no doubt you’ve found yourself reading through those endless lists of “what you didn’t know” type of content. This type of content definitely seems to be what Millennials want, from the outside.

What we are now seeing, though, through research and comparing various marketing platforms, is that Millennials actually are more likely to engage with a brand and buy from brands that provide more information. Specifically, long form but high quality content really is delivering to this group more effectively. This isn’t necessarily the written word, but rather engaging, content rich videos, podcasts, and webinars. In fact, for some companies, the longest episodes and the more in depth pieces are the ones that are seen more frequently, shared, and acted upon than shorter pieces.

Why Isn’t Short Form the Way to Go?

It sounds interesting but you still don’t see the value in long form content and still want to provide those snackable, bite-sized pieces? Here are three reasons why you don’t want to do that.

  • Short content isn’t as engaging. Social media’s 140-character count updates just are not enough to create real relationships with customers or clients. Higher quality, longer form creates a more lasting and intimate experience.
  • It’s truly authentic and that is something that Millennials appreciate and value. Some studies indicate that Millennials value authentic company ads and content than they value the content itself. Millennials are less likely to respond to content that is short, basic, or simplified. They want value, longer pieces that provide more information.
  • It’s trust building to provide more, not less. Let’s face it, many Millennials are coming into an age where they don’t trust anyone especially marketing. Less than 20 percent of people of this age actually believe that most people can be trusted. When providing quality content, well created material, you are more likely to build trust with your customer base.

While short form content and marketing is still valuable and should be a part of your marketing, you should not overlook the value and importance of investing in true long-form content, especially engaging videos for podcasts or ads.


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