When Should My Business Go Live with Video?

Using live video can be one of the easiest ways to engage with and build a relationship with your customers and clients. Many business owners are apprehensive, though, about the process and what it could mean to them. You may find it is also one of the easiest ways to reach your audience on a personal level. Take a look at a few good reasons when you should use live video for business.

Fantastic Opportunities to Go Live

There are plenty of ways you can go live – such as using social media tools like Facebook. But, what will you talk about when you do? Here are a few key suggestions.

  • Take your customers on a tour of your business location. Give them a behind the scene experience that can get them interested in your company.
  • Host a question and answer session. If you are launching a new service, perhaps you want to host this type of event to give individuals the ability to share their thoughts or to clear up confusion.
  • Announce a contest or a giveaway. Doing this live ensures you have a lot of people on hand to let know about your event. You can also ask them, in person, to share the video. That gets your brand in front of customers and others who may not know you easily.
  • Do a product demonstration. Show people what you do by giving them a real-time look at what happens when they use your product or service.
  • Use a live video to introduce yourself or another member of the company. Putting a face to your company’s name can help people to feel more comfortable contacting you for services or with questions later.

Be sure to create a list of talking points so you can feel at ease on your live video. You also want to be sure you are recording it so that people can play it back later and watch it again or watch it when they get an opportunity to do so.


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