7 Easy Ways to Grow Your Video Audience

You’ve sourced the best actors and guests, created a compelling video (or series) and now you simply need to show it off to the world. If you’re not quite prepared for this last piece of the puzzle, you’re in luck. There are some creative and hassle-free ways to get your content in front of your target audience; just keep reading!

Consumer Insights: Digital Viewing Behavior

Expert marketing brand HubSpot conducted in-depth research on customer viewing habits and behaviors on the web. Here’s a snapshot of what they learned:

  • YouTube and Facebook are the top platforms of choice for video-viewing
  • Entertaining and funny videos get the most attention from viewers
  • Mobile devices are preferred to desktop devices when watching videos

What does this mean for you? It means your promotional game needs to be mobile-friendly, social media-driven and easily found on YouTube.

7 Ways to Grow Your Video Audience

Let’s dive into different strategies you can start today to get your content in front of a larger piece of your audience.

Repurpose Your Video Content

Not everyone is able to watch videos 100% of the time; some people prefer to listen to podcasts while they work out and stay productive. Without much extra work, you can transform your video script or series into a podcast ready for fresh ears.

Try Something New

You won’t often find blogs advising you to hit up users on Reddit, Quora or review sites, but trying something new may pay off depending on your niche. Add a simple link in your bio on these sites or embed a recommendation to view your video after leaving useful feedback or comments on a thread.

Market Videos via Email

You’re already sending out emails to your subscriber list or existing clients, why not include a link to your channel or latest video in the sender’s signature? This is an easy, automated way to encourage viewers to watch your content without investing additional time and effort into marketing.

Tease Your Content on Social Media

Have a particularly funny or educational clip in your upcoming video? Post it on various social platforms as a teaser that will entice your audience to watch once it’s live. Also, don’t forget to post an update announcing that the video has gone live to let viewers know when to watch.

Ask for Shares

Whether you’re posting a teaser or showing the full video, include a call to action that encourages your audience to share the content with their friends and followers. On your full video, provide a call to action at both the beginning and end of the content to remind viewers who were not yet committed to sharing to do so once they’ve finished watching.

Take Advantage of Notifications

If you’re posting videos on YouTube or your website, you won’t get any views unless people know about it. With the unpredictability of search engines, the best way to get more views is to encourage your audience to allow notifications on their devices and YouTube channels. This way, they’ll be notified as soon as fresh content is uploaded.

Encourage Employees to Promote Your Video

Before your video goes live, drum up some company-wide excitement by showing your team the finished product. Encourage them to share your video on their own social platforms and among friends or family (who will possible also share it!).

The Bottom Line

No matter how well your content is produced, it won’t do you any good if no one sees it. Use these ideas to get your content out there into the digital universe and sit back as your view counter continues to rise.


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