Why Advertising Isn’t Working and What You Can Do About It

Let’s face it. Most people hate ads. Some research indicates that 91 percent of people believe that ads are intrusive. Many people believe ads are invasive to their privacy too.

If you are a company with a product you want the world to know about, what are you supposed to do? How can you get your information out there when it seems people don’t want to – and even hate – viewing ads?

What Do People Hate?

A good place to start is with understanding why some people hate ads. Every situation is different, but when you understand what they don’t like, you can create ads and videos that are less intrusive to them. For example, most people hate the invasion of privacy when they see ads for things they are looking for online. This feels like an invasion into personal space.

You still need to use these ads – called retargeting ads – in most marketing campaigns. One way around the dislike for them is to ensure you are only using retargeting ads for the most valuable resources you have. Don’t waste time on display ads that just bother people.

Ads Get in the Way of Experiences

An ad that pops up in the middle of an enjoyable experience isn’t one most people want to deal with – it’s a turn off. There are many mid-roll pop ads like this that get in the way of experiences.

You can still use these but do so limitedly. Instead, aim to create value-driven ads, those that provide real information and truly valuable experiences. These are going to be ads that help to build your brand, not ads that are going to be sales messages. When you switch what you are talking about and how you can better encourage people to learn about your company.

Modern Buyers Want Something Interesting

It’s hard to capture the attention of today’s modern internet user. You need to create ads that are going to highly engaging and entertaining. Give them something that is different from what everyone else does. This may mean getting creative in the content as well as the visuals.

Take a few minutes to consider the value of content that’s delivered in a more effective manner. If you are using ads that are the same as you’ve used for 10 years, you’re missing the market and probably limiting your success with your audience. A few tweaks and the right tools, and you can enjoy a better response.


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