Why Your Business Needs Video for Internal Communication

You may think of video as something to invest in for your customers or even to showcase your company to brand partners, investors, and the media in general. Yet, there’s a strong place for using video internally within your company. It can be one of the most powerful tools for you to use for communication for a wide range of topics and goals. All you have to do is to know how to make it work.

Video Can Help Keep Employees Engaged

There are dozens of ways you can use video within your company. You can send messages to people individually or create productions that are used for training. In all cases, video is engaging, interesting, and far more interactive than sitting in another meeting. When you use video as a component of your business’s employee engagement, you’ll see significant improvement in their involvement.

Video Conveys Information Easily

Video is also very easy for you to use. Let’s say you have an end-of-the-day note you want to send everyone and you want to be sure everyone gets it. You can do a live video to connect with everyone at one time even at the last minute. Or, you can use any type of device to use playback videos to educate your team or to provide them with the information they need. Most people know how to use video, and it is always in hand with their phones.

Video Lets Your Employees Share Information, Too

Video can also help your employees share information back to you. They can reply to your video with their own, depending on the format. This allows you to gain more insight into what their thoughts and feelings are, well beyond what a formal email would convey.

It’s an Efficient Way to Communicate Across Large Groups

Whether you are creating training segments or quarterly upgrades, video is a good way to communicate lots of information efficiently. It is an easy tool to use to communicate across your entire team with a clear message without having to worry about taking people out of the office for meetings or seminars.

Internal Video Helps Build Brand Awareness

It’s important to have a few videos that you use as components of your brand awareness. Videos can communicate brand information and features at a much higher rate than you could expect from traditional documents or an employee guidebook. In short, it helps information be captured at a higher level than you may expect otherwise.

Video works in many ways. You can even use it as a way to gauge just how interested your employees are – where did they stop watching? Did they make it to the end? Incorporate internal videos as a way to build your company.


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