3D Animation

People want to see what it is they are buying, or buying into. Whether you are selling a product, a service, an idea, or a cause, you need to allow your clients the chance to visualize what you offer. That can often be more complex than it may at first appear. Sometimes, the more complex the information that you need to communicate, the more you can benefit from 3D animation. Kicker can bring simple drawing and animations to life. And don’t worry, it won’t break the bank.


Telling a Global Story Intimately

Sometimes you need to communicate an issue whose effects are widespread. For instance, a marketing agency asked us if we could create a video for its non-profit client that wanted to raise consciousness about International Mine Awareness Day. But they needed the video in 14 days. So, we got to work! Paul wrote the script; Kate edited it; Steven and his team got down to the work of animation. We told the story of the global problem of landmines and the devastating toll that they take, especially on children, for decades after wars end. The best way to bring awareness of the issue to the general public was through animation. We told the real story of a Cambodian boy who lost three limbs, but only at the end do we show his actual image. In that way, the viewers are left with a sense of the triumph of the boy who survived his tragedy to finish school and take an active role in the global campaign. Viewers see the terrifying problem and the will to fix it. Not only did we make the deadline, but we also won a MARCOM Award for it!


Simplifying the Complex

Leaping Cowgirl Productions in Calgary brought us a client with a terrific piece of technology – but no way to demonstrate it to their clients online. In this case, the target audience was small. There would be little interest in cutting-edge plunger technology outside of the mining industry. However, inside of that industry, the interest was great. The problem was to explain the capabilities of this new technology to those potential clients in an engaging way. So we took some of their designs and created a very compelling marketing video, using 2D and 3D animation, then blended with typography and a tight storyline. The result was impressive. If you have a great product whose importance and value may be difficult to explain, animation may well be the answer. For systems that cannot be seen, but need to be rendered in the imagination nevertheless, we can do anything.


Aesop Would Be Proud

To understand the potential of animation, consider the rise and popularity of animated films over the last two decades. From Toy Story to Avatar, the technology has advanced to touch the human spirit in new ways. Two and a half thousand years ago, Aesop enchanted listeners with stories about animals that seemed to behave like people. Now, we have the skills to animate the faces of those same animals and give them the emotions that we associate with people. But we can animate cars, fish, toys, and beings that exist only in our imaginations.


Imagination is where we at Kicker come in. Give us a call to consult with us on how to bring your ideas to life





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