Blog your Expertise: Marketing Yourself

You have invested in a video, or series of videos, to promote certain goods or services to potential clients. How do you maintain an interest among your customers? How do you expand your audience?

This week, the local farmers’ market reopened for another season in my neck of the woods. Farmers and craftspeople were back at their stands, with their passions and products on display. Gardeners sold herbs and potted plants. Local people had an array of maple products to choose from. Bakers offered their breads and pies, artisans their crafts, farmers their meat products, and so on. Some have websites to advertise their speciality.

Become a Reference

One way to keep interest alive in your website where clients can watch videos of the goods and services you offer is to produce a blog that becomes the essential point of reference for those interested in your expertise. Your goal would be to maintain a blog that could answer all potential questions. Imagine, for instance, that you specialize in growing selling lavender. Then, each week, you could produce a blog post adding to your clients’ appreciation of lavender. Where is it indigenous? How many species exist? Under what conditions do the different species grow best? How might climate change be affecting growing conditions? What products can be derived from lavender?

Perhaps you offer dogsitting services. A website can advertise your services. On the other hand, a blog may put potential customers at ease by demonstrating your commitment to the best practices. What have you learned? How do you assure the well-being of your clients’ pets? What are the challenges? What are the joys?

As your entries expand, anyone interested in lavender, or dogs as the case may be, will come to your site first for information. A search function will allow visitors to find answers or even to formulate questions. Moreover, the very process of maintaining a blog will require you to deepen your own knowledge and expertise. You will be, and will be recognized as, an expert in your field.

Link to Your Website

Once you have established a blog, you can easily link it to your website where customers can find a video describing the actual goods and services you offer.

A blog can be helpful in keeping people informed of the changes that may be taking place in your area of interest. Are trade relations or regulations affecting your industry? Are environmental or climatic conditions having an influence? Maintaining a blog not only keeps others informed, but ensures that you not fall behind in your understanding of how the industry is changing.

Get Personal

A welcome side-effect of a blog is that your clients may come to get to know you on a personal level. You offer yourself to your clients such that when they appear in person, a relationship has already been formed. They already know you. They already trust you.

Talk with us about how to get the most out of your advertising video. What marketing strategies might bring the most traffic your way and keep your products and services in the minds of your customers?


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