The Pervasiveness and Growth of Video

What is the second-most viewed website in the world? YouTube! It currently attracts more than one billion unique viewers each month. Only Facebook gets more visitors. And, of course, people share their favourite videos on Facebook. Vimeo and Instagram are also very popular video sites, each with advantages over YouTube.

All of the trends point in the same direction. Cisco estimates that video will account for 79% of all consumer Internet traffic by 2018. Global Internet traffic will be 64 times greater than it was in 2005. This growth is taking place at a global level, with previously unconnected regions accounting for the greatest increase. Broadband speeds will triple from 2013 to 2018. By 2018, the number of devices connected to IP networks will be twice a high as the global population. The future is video. Not to mention the present!


How to Succeed in Video Marketing

But if you are thinking of promoting your product or service through video marketing, there are some important issues to consider. Precisely because videos are now so pervasive, and will be even more prevalent in the future, your own efforts could be swept away with the rising tide. You don’t want just a video, you want a video that achieves your marketing goals.

Video can be extremely effective at communicating certain messages. Think for a minute about a video that had an impact on you. What images did it show? How did it feel? How did it make you feel? How long was it?

In answering these questions, you can get an idea of the potential of video. But also of the challenges. Let’s assume that you want your video to touch people in the same way. What images will engage the viewers? In what order? Effects? Editing? Text? Voice over? Will viewers be sharing your video with their friends? That’s where we come in.


Kicker’s Expertise

Kicker has vast experience in producing videos that are seen, shared, and remembered. Axonn Research found that 70% of viewers had a more positive attitude towards brands after they had watched a video with interesting content. A good video can make something interesting that would be boring as text. And we can achieve that in just a few frames.

Perhaps you are already sold on the value of video, but are intimidated by the potential cost or complications. Don’t be. First consult with us. We have techniques to create a professional video that will grab the attention of your audience, and be both economical and appropriate for your business

At Kicker, we also understand the importance of targeting the right audience with the right message. During the course of a (free!) consultation, we discuss with you whom it is that you want to reach with your video. Then we consider how. Creating a professional video is a big step for you and your business. Kicker can help get your video found online. From Video SEO to video landing pages and social sharing distribution. Contact us for that free consultation.


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