Videos that Get the Most Views on YouTube

Currency in the video-viewing industry is views and the biggest, most important platform is YouTube. So what types of videos get the most views and how can you apply it to your business’s marketing strategy?


Ignoring cute animal videos and pranks gone wrong, the type of video receiving the most hits on YouTube is play-throughs. This could be video games, board games, or computer games, the important part is that it takes potential customers through a portion of the game so they can see graphics, mechanics, and the general quality of the game to determine whether or not they are interested. This is ideal for game developers, artists, app creators, etc. If you are a game reviewer and you’re talking about games that you don’t have the rights to, keep in mind that you will need permission to show these videos.


The second most popular types of videos are tutorials and how-to content. As a nation, we don’t read manuals anymore, we search for a video of someone else showing us how to do what it is we want to do. Whether you are in a tech industry with plenty of troubleshooting video options, you run a house cleaning business, or you want to teach others about eating clean, there is something you can create a tutorial on and you’ll likely see much more traffic to your online content because of it.

Buying Advice

Perhaps you are a consumer review company or you have an online publication that could benefit from the comparisons of certain products. If so, consumer buying advice videos are a great way to earn more views. Consumers want to know what to buy without actually having to read the fine print of specifications. They want you to show them everything they need to know so they can make the most informed decisions with as little effort as possible. Beware however not to turn this into an opportunity for too much self-promotion, if you are going to compare your product to one of another company stick to facts and leave opinions out of it.


Whether you offer relationship advice, short fitness tutorials, or lifestyle information, you can earn vast viewership by promoting your ideas through video online as this is the 7th highest viewed category. People have a hard time getting to the gym and sometimes want to work out in the comfort of their own home, they want a no-nonsense video on ten ways to be more confident, or they want to try shaking it to some Zumba before making a fool of themselves in a class full of strangers. If you sell books, equipment, or theories behind anything related to self-help you may be missing out on a huge audience if you’re not already making videos.

The key to getting hits on YouTube is providing genuine, useful, and informative content that audiences will be able to use. A quality video can be a quick, easy, and entertaining way to strengthen bonds and expand your viewership.


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