All About Filming in 3D

There is no doubt that creating interaction in a video is much more likely and interesting when you factor in 3D video. You may have seen these types of videos before or you may have a 3D TV that you want to create videos for. Post one of these and you are sure to get attention from your audience. Before you can do so, though, there are some things you need to know about this type of video.

How It Work’s

When it comes to shooting traditional video, the camera captures just one shot and view. However, with 3D shots, the goal is to create what is considered realistic. It is like getting the view from both of your eyes. The left eye has its own perspective from the right. In this video format, it is necessary to grab the image from both eyes. Your brain takes these two images and combines them to give you one image, but your camera does not work in the same way.

There are several ways to shoot video in this manner. In some cases, the photographer will shoot using standard 2D formats. Then, he or she will use a 3D post-conversion process that helps to create the final 3D images. Another way to shoot this type of video is to focus on using two cameras but to do so at the very same time. These are shot using a stereoscopic or stereo images. This would mean shooting from the left and from the right to capture all of the footage.

If the 3D post conversion process is used, it is possible to take virtually any 2D film and make it into a 3D format. It is possible to do this even with older movies in older formats. This method is far more common for various reasons. It allows the user to capture film in a manner that is easier for them. It can be applied to older films. It costs less because of the reduced need for equipment. And, it makes the overall process easier to accomplish.

On the other hand, using specialized equipment and shooting in stereo is often considered the better option. When compared to shooting in 2D, this method does provide a better quality shot, at least some believe this to be the case. However, it does tend to cost more and have a steeper learning curve than other methods. And, there are other types of methods for capturing these images. Ultimately, the individual must decide what is most important to their needs.

It is also important to realize that 3D filming, in itself, is very new technology. That means that, while technology is growing, it is also changing rapidly. If you are ready to start shooting in 3D, it pays to do so using 2D technology now and, as your skill and needs improve, upgrade along with technology as it grows and changes. The move can give you the ability to create some exceptional videos that anyone can appreciate.


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