How to Efficiently Create and use an Instructional Product Video

Video training is essential for many purposes. The product instructional videos are necessary for getting new employees up to speed and making your products easier for the customers to use. The instructional video enables your clients and customers to partake training at their own convenient time and pace. Thus, they foster flexibility when the customers and employees are learning about new products in the market.

It is not difficult to put together an engaging instructional video. However, it needs some skills and time to get it right. For starters, you should plan your video to address all the content that you intend to cover. When planning for your video, the contents below should be off in-depth consideration:

  • The overall learning goals – put into account the critical information that you need your audience to take away from the video.
  • The course outline – proceed to create a list of the fundamental topics that you need your video to cover
  • The target video length – do not create a long video. Make sure that if your instructional video is lengthy, it should be divided into chapters of between 2 and 7 minutes. The breakdown will make sure that your audience can quickly comprehend the content of your video.
  • Select your subject matter expert – ensure that you choose an expert from within your organization that is widely knowledgeable of the product you wish to create for the instructional video.
  • Choose the time, date and location for your practice run and video shoot.
  • Finally, determine the budget and the crew needs for the shooting of your instructional video.

Before you start shooting your instructional video, make sure that you understand the basics of your instructional video. Make sure that you adequately connect with your audience. For instance, in case of demonstrating software, combine screen shots with face time from the presenter. This interspersing will keep your audience engaged all through the video duration. Furthermore, fine-tune the video with the help of your subject matter expert before production.

An excellent video is obtained when your expert feels comfortable in front of the camera. The shooting process should be divided into small segments, and the process kept fun and simple. With these conditions, the expert will be at ease to extensively elaborate all the necessary information about your new product.

After shooting your video, it is necessary for your team members to review the video. This review will enable you to edit the video accordingly resulting in a top quality instructional video. Moreover, you may add closed captions to your video to optimize your video for search engine results. Before publishing your video, consider your audience’s experience. You can compress your video to cater for the average user depending on the bandwidth that they have.

An instructional product video is appropriate whenever you make a new product that has not been previously made. The video will educate the audience on the proper use and handling of the new product. Therefore, since the video also acts as a marketing video, make sure that it markets your product efficiently.


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