B2B Video Marketing Trends

What is happening in the B2B market? Video is hot. In fact, it has been called the most compelling action taken on the Internet today. With that thought, you may want to tailor your B2B advertising around the use of high-quality, engaging video. Before you hit the webcam, though, there are a few things you need to know about the current marketing trends in this marketplace. Here’s what we are seeing doing well right now.

Video Needs to Create an Experience

One of the most important trends in video marketing is the experience. Instead of just providing facts and figures, ensure your video is engaging enough that the viewer actually has a positive experience. It is that engagement level that is going to help the individual watching the video to truly remember it. This is important because video can create feelings, especially when learning something the first time. It’s a virtual experience you want them to have.

Humor is Important

Video marketing to the B2B market can be somewhat boring. In some instances, we forget that real people are behind those screens not “companies.” Adding a bit of humor into the marketing can help. Laughter is good for the soul and for brand recognition. While you don’t want to create a comedy club script, adding a bit of humor throughout the video can add to the experience and ensure it is memorable.

Solve a Problem, Provide a Solution

Another key area of importance when it comes to video is ensuring the product is showcased as a solution. This is important in all forms of marketing. In video, you can actually show it being the solution, though, and that can be both memorable and effective. Videos with happy client interviews, for example, can be effective as can creating a how-to video that showcases the process of using the product.

Play on the Emotions

When making a purchase, people decide based on their emotions not on their logical need. When creating video, then, it is important to connect on an emotional level with the viewer. For example, develop a set of videos that showcase real-world issues with real people on the ground. This is a great place to incorporate social initiatives.

Your Content and Video Quality Needs to Be at the Top Level

A common mistake many smaller businesses have is creating video that’s just – video. It’s not working because the content is not relevant, useful, or done in an attractive manner. The best way to handle this is to hire a professional organization to handle the video marketing for your company. Don’t rely on just anyone, but on someone that can help to showcase the professionalism of your business.

In addition to these elements, it is also important to ensure your content is evergreen. That is, it should be able to be used over and over again without having any limitation or timestamp. For example, promotional video should be something that you can use long term. And, be sure you are including micro-content into your videos. That is, short videos can be very powerful.

How many of these marketing trends for video are you including in your B2B content? If you are not hitting all of those numbers like you want to, it may be time to up your video marketing game to achieve more.


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