Planning Your Marketing Video Strategy

You’ve done the hard work, or so you thought. You spend hours shooting your video. You edited it for another few hours. It’s just what you want. You are confident it is going to get interest. You put it up on YouTube and you wait. Nothing happens. You know those clicks showing views are just you and your friend looking at it over and over again. If you did not create a marketing video strategy for your vlog, chances are good it is not going to compete well against the other thousands of videos created that very day.

What Key Components Go Into your Video Strategy?

Marketing a video is much like marketing any product or service. You need to work to put it in front of people who will not only watch it, but also share it. There are various tools to help you to do that. You need to choose which of these is ideal for your unique needs.

  • Social media is essential. It is often not even an option for most video bloggers any longer. Facebook now offers video services. Twitter is getting into this market as well. Your video should be a part of Vine and any other applications that fit the genre of your audience.
  • After placing it on YouTube, be sure to go back and modify your YouTube data to ensure it is creating the right attention in the search engines. Be sure the details about your video include any keywords, product names, or other specs that could prove to be valuable.
  • When your video is important, such as an ad for your product or service, the most important part of the process is getting people to share it. To do this, ask for the share. Post a link to your video on Facebook and ask your audience – your current friends – to share it.
  • Place your video on your blog or website. And, use search engine optimization to get people to visit these spaces.
  • Don’t forget to go offline, too. Talking about your video is going to provide enough interest to get people there. Share it with friends on your phone.

Whether you are a large company or a small organization, or even just an individual looking to create an effective video to share an opinion, take the time to pull all of the components of your marketing strategy together. It takes time and a bit of effort, but going viral is possible if you’ve created an interesting video and an effective marketing campaign for it. If you are not getting the success you need on your own, you may want to reach out to a professional organization to give you that extra pop and push you need to go from doing well to going viral with your video.


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