Video in the Real Estate Industry: Why It’s Beneficial

The competition in the real estate industry is heating up, but with the inclusion of video into more of your real estate marketing, you can drive more attention to any property. Whether you are a home owner looking to sell on your own or a real estate agent looking for the best way to market a new listing, video is a key component of the process today.

Online Photos Are Not Enough

The addition of photos to your online listings is essential, you know that. Yet, it wasn’t that long ago that the listing wasn’t easily accessible by home buyers and photos were not as important. Now, the same change is happening with video. Video is becoming the most important tool in marketing real estate especially online. Photos only provide a glimpse of what a space looks like. In a digitally connected world, people want to feel like they are in that space, moving through it, and a part of it.

Video Engages Users

Real estate marketing through video helps to create more engagement. That is, it allows a person to feel more connected to a space than if they were to only read information or see photos. Video can also demonstrate the benefits of a property more effectively.

  • See and feel the distance between two locations more effectively
  • Move through the home to see how the rooms connect
  • See the natural lighting pouring into the room and even hear the birds chirping outside of a window

A well designed video can be quite empowering because it can help a person to feel they are truly connected with the space they are viewing. That makes them interested enough to come into the open house.

Video Can Explain

Another key reason to incorporate video into the real estate marketing you do is as simple as educating your buyer. Video doesn’t just have to be images. It can also include content that answers questions, clarifies key questions, and educates the buyer on important topics. The buyer doesn’t have to read the details of the listing to know the square footage, how big the back yard is, what school district the home is in, or when the furnace was last updated. Key and valuable pieces of information that can help to sell the property are verbalized in video.

The real estate market is using video more frequently and in more ways. It is using video in social media marketing campaigns. Video works well when creating marketing campaigns for both residential and commercial properties. And, it works very well at achieving the underlying goal of communicating value far better than photos, which is why it is commonly being used on real estate agent websites. Are you using it yet?


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