Being a Hands on Video Production Client

Have Your Finger on the Button!

As a client sometimes you may feel like you have lost control of your video production or that it is not turning out the way you envisioned it to be. If does not have to be this way. Be in charge of your project and your budget from the get-go. See your project successfully through to completion.

Be in Charge

You can be in charge without being the overly pushy, hard-to-get-along-with client. Have a clear idea of what you want or at least the message the final product should send. This would mean that you will be able to provide constructive feedback to the process and not simply respond ‘yes’ to every query.

Time is Key

Be sure to respond to queries from the production team in a timely fashion. Spending more time than originally budgeted for the project may mean more money for expenditure. Delays in the production of your video may have repercussions further up on the project management chain. If you get an email early Monday morning asking for your opinion on a particular aspect of the project, be prompt with your feedback. Eliminate the issues before they occur.

Be Decisive

Being hands on does not mean being the intolerable client. It does not even mean you have to sit with the production group right through the whole entire process, every single day. It means that you should value your project. You must own it. You must be able to make the necessary decisions, give the feedback needed, and be accessible to the extended production team. When there is a question asked to which you don’t have the answer, don’t be afraid to say so. If you need more time to consult other people in your organization, do so! Just ensure that the answers are forthcoming and in a timely manner.

Following these steps will put you in synch with the process that guides your final output. You will be better able to understand the why’s of the final production. And you will not be caught off guard by a huge ‘final reveal’.

Get the results you want, guide your process as much as possible from start to finish. With an experienced team like that at Kicker, you may feel sometimes that you should just let us ‘do what we do best’. However, no one knows your business like you. No one knows the message you are trying to send better than you. So even with a competent staff of experts, it is still necessary to maintain a level of visibility in the project so as to ensure it is a success.

Lead your video production process and be the champion for your company. Liaise as much as you can with the team lead from the production team to get the job done. The successful completion of your project depends on you, and the success of your company may depend on the success of the project.


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