Choosing a Company Representative for the Video Shoot

Choosing a Company RepresentativeSometimes, when doing a video for a company, that company may decide to use one of their own employees as the video representative. This is the person who they want to be the face of their campaign and whose face will be used to ‘sell’ their products/services to their clients. When working with a video production company, you can learn a lot about who should be on your team during the process.

This is indeed a wonderful idea for the company as they get to save the money they would have originally spent on hiring an actor. They do not have to waste time doing casting calls and they are sure that the persons in the video believe in the product and have a vested interest in getting the products best features across to the public.

Here are some things to look for when choosing your company representative:

Camera Experience

You need a representative that has some amount of confidence in front of the camera. This can mean that the person has some minor acting experience, is extremely composed or just loves the camera. Having someone confident will make the video process easier and take less time. If the person has no experience and will need a lot of time for coaching and a lot of time to get the lines right, then using someone in house would have possibly been more expensive than getting a professional.

Familiarity with Business

You may decide to use the pretty new secretary in your video. However one of the most important traits that your representative can have is a sense of the business and product you are trying to sell. You want the person to be able to ‘sell’ the product and show in their manner that they have confidence in it and know how great it is. This confidence should show through in how they perform the script for the video.

Sound Personal Character

This is one of the seemingly small things that get overlooked when a company chooses a representative, however issues with a person’s character can certainly come back around and spoil your marketing campaign. The representative should have a good company record and a crime free background too. This has nothing to do with discrimination but has to do with the fact that when someone is in the spotlight, all the things about them come through to the forefront. To prevent a possible big situation arising, ensure that your representative is a squeaky clean as possible.

There are many other things you can consider in house when choosing someone to represent your brand. In the end do what feels comfortable to you. When you are ready for your contact Kicker, we are here to serve you.


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