How To Kick Your Video Marketing Strategy into High Gear

Video marketing is the must for most businesses that have an online customer base. There are many statistics that point to the benefits of video, but instead of focusing on that, consider the bottom line. Video marketing has the highest level of conversion when it comes to online marketing methods. Knowing this, the next question you need to answer is how to get started. Let’s break down how to build your online video marketing strategy.

#1: Who Is Going to Create Your Campaign?

Some businesses believe they can do this on their own – and you may be able to if you have a background in online marketing. Treat it as much as vital as any other form of advertising you do. Using a team that is skilled in this area can be a much more effective solution.

#2: Let’s Think About Why

Here’s the bottom line. Why do you want to use video? Do you want to engage with your customers, create new leads, build more traffic to your website, or achieve other goals? You need to define this component because it helps to foster the next steps of the process. Why are you making a video?

#3: What Will You Create?

This is the big question many businesses have. What are they going to create that is going to engage the viewer and provide the desired final result? Look at some videos prepared by other companies, perhaps in the same industry. Look at other examples. Use this to get some ideas. Most importantly, be creative. If someone created a video one way, look for another take even if the subject or message is the same.

#4: When and How Often Will You Create Video?

It can be said that video production companies can help you to create a consistent schedule of videos. The key here is to develop a marketing strategy that fits your goals and your industry. You will need to consider creating more than one video (in most cases) that helps to tell your company’s history over time. You want to use video, for example, to build a relationship with your customers and clients. At the same time, having hundreds of hours of video that’s just basic and not engaging isn’t going to help.

#5: Pick Your Location and Mediums

Finally, it is time to consider where you will both create your videos and then where you will use them online. Consider your goals here, again. You can use your business’s location. In some cases, you may want to choose a third party location that’s over the top to be creative. Then, consider where you will use the videos online – your website? Social media?

Working through this process allows you to create a successful, well-designed online video marketing strategy that is going to help you create the relationship and brand your customers need and want. Are you ready to put the pieces together?


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