How to Properly and Effectively Manage Your Video Content Library

Having a vast amount of data and video can be a very good thing for business owners. You know the importance of video content. It is at the heart of your business’s success in any marketing campaign. It provides the heart for your business, but it does much more as well. It helps to brand your business. It aids in your lead-building campaigns. And, it even helps you to get customers back in the door. But, that’s a lot of content. What can you do to better manage it and streamline the process? While working with a video production company is a start, there’s much more you can do to achieve your underlying goals as well.

How Do You Organize Your Video Content?

Initially, many companies have just a handful of video content to manage and the process of doing so tends to be rather easy at that point. Yet, as you see the growth and benefit of video in your marketing campaigns, you’ll quickly want to add more. There are several key things to remember that can help you to keep your content organized, easily accessible, and always ready to be published whenever and wherever you want it to be.

  • Use metadata as a tool to help you to organize your content. Use clear but simple enough descriptions that make it easy to locate what you need.
  • Choose titles for your videos that are easy to remember or those that provide a clear idea of what’s actually in the video – misleading titles rarely provide any help to viewers or to you no matter how creative they are.
  • Create categories for storing your content. You may wish to break this down by what the content is going to be used for (lead generation, education, etc.). Create categories that are easy to understand by anyone working in your organization.
  • Focus on managing your video content in bite-sized pieces. Long form videos can be useful in many applications, but you’ll find that you can cut that 1-hour long video into something shorter, even six smaller videos, you can use them more readily and get more from them.
  • Let the first moments of the video really help you to understand what’s to come. Create a splash screen, for example, for each of your videos. This can give you the information you need to know what to do with your content.

There is much more to the process of managing your video content. You’ll need to come back to the videos from time to time to ensure they are still accurate. A change in a contact detail, for example, could make a video seem worthless. However, you can maintain the content and build on it over time if you have a solid plan in place to accomplish this.

And, keep a log of how you use each video. You don’t want to share the same video to the same audience too many times. It helps to have a sizable library of content at your disposal to use, but you also need to be sure you know when you shared it, who viewed it, and what it accomplished for you.

These steps can help you to make video far more effective and usable. Work closely with your production company to ensure you always have the very best content to present to your audience.


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