Why You Need a Video on Your Landing Page

Using video on your website’s landing page is an excellent step for most companies. Video placed here is going to get attention and help in driving sales with your customers. While video used on the landing page needs to convey the right message to the right people, it is important to do it right. In other words, you don’t want a video that’s going to slow down the page’s load time or bore your visitors with basic information. However, well created and designed video can help increase your sales substantially.

Why Do You Need Video?

Here’s the hard truth that nearly all website owners need to recognize. You have 8 seconds. You only have seconds to turn that person that visited your website into a buyer. More specifically, you have just 8 seconds to grab their attention before they move on to the next website. If your video isn’t there, or your content is lacking, customers and website visitors can easily move on to the next page of a competitor’s site to get the information they need.

What Makes Your Landing Page Convert?

The ultimate goal of any landing page is to take visitors and make them into buyers. This is conversion. What most website owners don’t focus on is how to make those conversions happen more frequently. When you consider all of the steps you can take and the changes you can make to your website to achieve these goals, you’ll find using video can be one of the best options. Video converts buyers because it:

  • Engages them
  • Interests them
  • Is shared by them
  • Is memorable
  • Is different and unique

So, the goal of video on your landing page is to grab and hold he attention of someone who visits as well as to turn them into paying customers. How do you do that?

How to Make Landing Page Video a Success

Working with a professional video production company is the first step in the process. Then, consider these tips for ensuring your landing pages do well.

  1. Create multiple videos for different types of website visitors. You’ll need videos that answer questions, speak to them based on how they are finding you, and create a personal experience based on their customer journey.
  2. Minimize the length of landing page videos. Keeping them under 90 seconds is a good start. This gives them guidance and information, attracts their interest, and keeps them on the page.
  3. Video quality is essential. Invest in high quality production that you’re proud to place on your website. Clip art or the use of low resolution images just will not create the right experience or result.
  4. Tell them why your company is valuable, why they should care, and what they should do. Your video can serve as direction for your website visitors, pointing them to the next step they take.
  5. Ensure your video is optimized for SEO and offers tools to help you track its success. You want to know how well it is doing and whether or not it is converting for you.

By investing in video for your landing page, you’ll create the engagement your website needs and help your customers to interact with you more fully. Most importantly, you’ll make the best use of that 8 seconds of video to get the results you want.


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