Need A Good Quality Video? Get the Script Right

No matter what the self-proclaimed experts tell you, the script is the king of a video, not the video quality. While a good video quality is simply indispensable, a good script is the very life of your video. You cannot possibly have good conversions without a good script that is informative and gives value to your customers.

Check out some of the businesses that have succeeded immensely from a video. The video on the Crazy Egg homepage has been driving $21,000 extra a month in revenues, all thanks to an intriguing script. Dropbox and a few hosting companies too have seen remarkable growth after the launch of their videos. And the one thing all these videos have in common is excellent, informative and engaging script.


So How Do You Nail the Script?

The first rule of creating a compelling script is to understand what your audience wants. The main idea of a video has to answer each and every doubt, question or concern your potential customers might have. To accomplish this, you must first put yourself in the shoes of the customer and think of all the possible questions you could come up with about your product. Some of these questions can be:

  • What more information would you like from this page?
  • What is the biggest concern you have with this product or service?
  • What is the biggest apprehension that is stopping you from buying?
  • How we can help solve your problems?

Once you have the questions, you can come up with targeted answers. Your customers probably still haven’t understood what your service does and how. Using a more informative, clarified and simple script, you could effectively eliminate any apprehensions the customer might have.


The Script Creation

One thing you must remember is that the company producing your video may be good at a hundred things, but the best person to write your script would be someone who knows your business inside and out. It’s good if someone within the company can formulate a good script design. If not, there are professionals and freelancers who will take the time to understand the details, values, goals and ethics of your business in detail, to generate a truly captivating script that will provide a strong backbone to your video. So make sure you get the script right and the success of your video will follow.


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