Price vs. Quality of Your Video Production

Gold Coins

In life sometimes we have to make tradeoffs. Sometimes cutting a little here means being able to retain something there. Sometimes letting go of a top CEO may mean keeping two smaller jobs active. Regardless of how much we try to save and skimp where we can, we always want the best quality that we can get for a price.

You have a new product to market and you have decided to do a video project. After you have made a rough estimate of how much you are willing to spend or after you have requested bids, you may then be left in a quandary. The entity you want to hire for the task may have submitted a price way beyond your budgeted amount. This is a tough position to be in. You have done the research and probably looked at the reputations and the quality of the work, and you know you want this particular team on board. You know that using this team can add much more to the final production piece and may even make your production piece an instant success through branding and association. However, unless you have an endless budget, ultimately the cost will have to be considered.

What exactly should be the compromise here? Do we get the best and appeal to the management team to give us more funds? Do we go with the team we can afford and then accept the results?

Toeing the line between cost and return is even more difficult when all you have to go on is the productions company’s demo videos and no real life case studies to go on. You may also be skeptical to the fact that previous successes are not the true reflection of how successful your project will be.

Price will sometimes win the war because in the end a budget is finite and a company may want to save the money to invest elsewhere. To reduce the impact a limited budget may have on realizing your dream video production, approach the preferred company for alternatives. You may be surprised that they have a payment plan or can offer alternatives that will reduce the price a little in your favor. Ask and see what happens. The most important thing is to be upfront and honest.

Ultimately though, the quality of the final product will speak for itself. If the impact the video has of your marketing campaign is phenomenal, then you will know you have made the right choice. The right choice is Kicker. With us, you know that the job will be done right the first time. We will guide you through the process and help you create the video you deserve. Our team of professionals is like no other. We recruit the best so your video will be a work of art.

Contact us for a sit-down to discuss your needs and get some pricing ideas. Lets get the ball rolling!


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