Strategies for Generating and Nurturing Leads Through Video

Lead nurturing, the process of taking a fresh lead and turning to a buying process over various connection points is one of the most important parts of building a business. Yet, many companies have yet to move their marketing towards video, even though it is an incredible opportunity to connect with people in a very effective manner. In fact, video is one of the fastest growing areas of digital marketing itself. There are various ways that you can use video in your lead nurturing and marketing automation. Here’s a look at some of them.

Getting New Leads from Video

A visitor comes to your website. They are able to interact with your business website, but they also can watch a fast video that provides them with a formal introduction. Instead of just providing a simple contact form and hoping they fill it out, this method allows you to form a real connection with your lead. You can set it up so that your video plays at just the right time. And, within that video, there is an area where they can submit their email address. They watch the video and want to learn more – of course, they will submit their email to get more access.

Video Email Works Well

Another tool available to today’s business is email. That’s not anything new, but what is happens to be what’s inside that video. You can place videos right in the emails that your customers receive. This way, they can open the email – due to your on-point subject line – and immediately connect with you. Video does well in email and can improve click-through rates significantly. In some situations, having a video thumbnail will increase your lead generation many times over just having a standstill image there.

Keep That Engagement Going

You have the lead. You’ve connected with them through presenting your information and company brand. Now, use email to continue to connect with your customers. For example, you can use video to encourage them to download a company brochure. You can use video to help them to gather insight into a specific service you offer. Use video in every stage of the lead nurturing process including:

  • The awareness stage when they realize there is a problem in front of them and need a solution.
  • The consideration stage when they are looking for solutions to their problem, such as seeking out companies or products to work with.
  • The decision stage occurs when they have the solutions and need to make a decision.

Find solutions that fit their needs here. During the awareness stage, they will need educational videos, for example. In the consideration stage, they are looking for testimonials from clients and case studies. And, in the decision stage, they need testimonials, free samples, special offers, and product-based videos.

When you consider each one of these factors, it becomes clear that video is an important part of your marketing automation process. Once in place, this type of video marketing setup can help you to develop a strong foundation for nurturing your leads into buyers.


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