The 5 Most Common Video Misconceptions

Video marketing is still a relatively new trend, and there is quite of misinformation surrounding it. Here is a countdown of the five most common video misconceptions.

5. You Need to Look the Part

If you’re like most people, you’re more comfortable when you’re behind the camera rather than in front of it. However, one of the most beautiful things about video marketing is that it promotes authenticity. It’s a real person talking about real issues to a real audience; for that reason, it feels personal and inspires trust.

4. It’s Only for YouTube

Sure, YouTube may be oriented around providing video content, but that doesn’t mean that your video content is limited to that platform. Video is highly shareable and can be circulated in one way or another on every social media platform. In addition to that, video content is a great addition to your website, personifying your business and putting faces to names.

3. The Number of Views Matters

How many videos have you started to watch (or how many videos have automatically begun playing on your browser) before you realized about 10 seconds in that you actually weren’t interested in it? The number of views your video receives matter in that it can show you how many people you’re reaching. However, that number only tells half the story; if 10,000 people begin to play your video and only five of those people watch it in its entirety, then can you really consider that campaign to be a success? As with most marketing efforts, quality matters over quality. Focus on getting your video in front of the right audience, even if that means that your number of views seems less impressive.

2. One Video Is All You Need

The future is video. In fact, according to a new report from Cisco, 79 percent of all IP traffic will come from IP video. Video content is only going to become more popular, and more and more, your audience is going to expect your brand to connect with them through this medium. A single welcome video on your homepage won’t suffice; video content should be a regular part of your marketing strategy.

1. It’s Too Costly

Maybe you think that since video advertising is such an important tool in your marketing toolbelt, then surely it must be costly. The truth is that it can be – that is if you’re going to invest in all of the high-quality sound, video, and editing equipment yourself. However, hiring a video production company for you is a surprisingly economical alternative to doing it yourself and getting subpar results.

There’s another side to the cost analysis though, and that’s the ROI. After all, a marketing campaign is only as good as the return you get from it, right? When it comes to video marketing, 73 percent of B2B marketers say that video marketing positively impacts marketing ROI, and more than half of marketers worldwide say that this type of content has the best ROI.

Want to find out more about how video can be put to work for your brand? Connect with us today to learn more about how the services we provide can support your brand, increase brand recognition, and establish your business as an industry leader.


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