The Top 4 Messages you Should Replace with Video

You have a lot to communicate in your next blog or directly to your customers. It seems like a good idea to write a nice article or blog about it. They’ll read it because it is valuable to them. But, sometimes, what you have to write is too long, too complex, or simply too much information to include in a small space. And, the small attention span of today’s internet user also limits your ability to communicate all you need to through a written piece.

There are times when video is simply better. Video allows you to provide a far more thorough amount of information in a shorter about of time. You can communicate in a more effective manner, too. For this reason, it is often best to put some messages into video rather than trying to type out that message to the group. Your key to when to do this depends on a variety of factors.

When to Use Video

There are a few key situations in which video is simply the better method for communicating information. Here are some examples.

The Long Email

An email more than about 300 words is too much for your readers to take in. They will not get to that mid section but will read the first and last portions. And, there is no doubt that creating an effective, attention grabbing email is not easy.

Video offers a solution. With just three minutes of length, you can get in the content and message you need to. People respond better to it as well.

Onboarding or Set Ups

There are some situations where you may need to communicate steps. You want to provide your readers with information on how to do something. In these cases, it is critical to communicate with screenshots as well as with words. Video helps to make this possible.

Confidential Information

There are some situations where what you need to share has to be communicated in a safe manner. Creating a paper trail may not be ideal. A securely hosted video platform, on the other hand, can be the ideal solution.

Adding Feeling and Emotion

Sometimes, words can only go so far to communicate a message. Video allows for emotion, human connection, and engagement to come through more effectively. When you want to explain something, show something, or demonstrate something, video creates a better result.

Video should be a key component of any business arsenal of communication. Are you using it enough to communicate in the best manner possible?


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