Tricks for Growing Your Email List With Video

Integrating your email database to work side with your video marketing efforts is a must. According to comScore Inc., a global digital market measuring service, the average internet user watches an amazing 186 videos, per month! If you’re not integrating your marketing efforts of both email and video platforms, your business is missing a golden opportunity for growth.

As a small business owner, getting the most out of a limited operating budget is a constant concern. But how do you do this? It is universally accepted in the world of online marketing that email has the best return on dollars invested. In general, email campaigns can generate about $40 per $1 invested, so the larger your email database, the better your returns will be with any targeted email marketing activities.

7 Ways Video Marketing Can Increase Your Email Subscriptions

Before you go any further, however, check out these statistics regarding the use of email and video. By using the word “video” in the subject line of your email you can increase your open rate by 19%, and by incorporating a video inside an email you can increase your conversion rate by 60%.

These stats are amazing and represent an excellent opportunity for increased sales and revenue. Try out these ideas as you develop your business’ marketing strategy.

  • Connect videos to your landing pages as a part of Google Adwords campaigns
  • Connect videos to your sales pages – offer a discount on products or services, only available if a buyer supplies an email address
  • Connect videos to your homepage – or place a video on your homepage that can only be viewed after an email address has been provided
  • Collect emails from your stand-alone videos by creating a turnstile gateway which viewers must pass through in order to continue watching
  • Use your videos as lead magnets or content upgrades – LM’s can be as simple as offering a copy of a recent webinar, tutorial or Q&As on a particular topic
  • Collect emails as part of your how-to videos – before beginning your how-to video, request that viewers complete an email opt-in to continue.
  • Turn you YOUTUBE channel into an e-mail collection engine – YOUTUBE offers two tools to do this – Card and Annotations. Note: before you can use these tools, you will have to associate your site with your YOUTUBE account. The whole process can be accomplished in about a half hour.

OutSource Video Production & Email Collection to the Pros

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Instead of getting muddled down trying to optimize and integrate various technologies, outsource the job. Contacting the experts at KICKER VIDEO would be a great place to start. Give the Kicker Video team a call at 888-294-9393 and let them handle the rest. Use your valuable time to actually run your business.


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