Turn your Target Audience into Event Attendees Through Video Promotion

Videos have become effective ways of marketing products and businesses. Also, videos are excellent event promotion strategies thus guarantee increased number of attendees to the event. With the recent exponential growth and advancement in technology, online videos have become an important communications tool. These videos enable you to connect with your members, customers, and prospects efficiently. Though face to face meetings are most effective, online videos are also useful when you are long distances apart.

Over the recent years, online video viewing has been on a steady rise. Thus, event promotion through video is guaranteed to reach an increased number of your target audience. Research and studies have shown that more and more event planners and organizers are taking up event promotion through video. Some of the most popular sites that host videos are Netflix and YouTube. The videos give detailed information about your event to the audience thus interesting an increased number of them to attend.

Due to the enormous success of videos, small organizations and nonprofits have recognized the value of online videos as essential components of all their event marketing strategies. Since video equipment and tools are becoming more common and affordable, the cost of creating event promotion videos has also significantly reduced. It is also beneficial that YouTube account set up is free. Thus, you can make videos and upload them for free.

To create an effective video to promote your event make sure that your online video is:

  • Authentic – ensure that you maintain your personality while communicating through the video. You should be real and transparent
  • Before you create your video, take into account the goals and objective of your event. While creating the video, make sure that the video helps you to achieve your goals. Your video should tell a story that is real to capture the attention and interest of your audience. Use the video to educate and enlighten the audience about your event
  • You should interview attendees during and after the event. Converse with the attendants to spark interesting and relevant highlights about the event
  • When creating your online video to promote your event, capture moments from previous educational and training sessions. Also, you may include fundraising activities or people interacting with each other at a networking event.
  • Your video should be used to maintain momentum and interest after your event. After you post and publish the videos to the different online platforms available, link to them in post-event communications.
  • Your event promotion video should always contain a call-to-action message. This message is meant to encourage your audience to register and purpose to attend your other upcoming events.
  • Keep your promotional videos short and entertaining between 60-90 seconds. For the training videos, do not exceed 10 minutes to make sure that you maintain the total attention of your audience.

Event promotion through video is a sure way to maintain the attention of your audience while simultaneously informing them.


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