Using Facebook Live In Your Business

Last year, live streaming apps and websites stormed the marketing scene, creating a brand new way for users to engage with their favorite brands. Have you considered using live streaming in your business, but you just don’t have the time to master a brand new tool?

That’s where Facebook Live comes in.  If you know how to use Facebook (and we’re assuming you do!) live streaming is the simplest choice. All you need to do is download the Facebook Mentions app on your mobile device, connect it with your business page, and then apply to become a verified page.


Should your Business be on Facebook Live?

Truth be told, there is room for any type of business and industry to utilize Facebook Live. If you believe in transparency, if you want your customers to know you, and if you want to put your competition to shame, then live streaming is for you!

Let’s take a look at how Facebook Live can be used in your marketing plan.


Customer Education & Support

Do you work in an industry where customers are constantly sending in questions or calling your customer service agents for help? You can use Facebook Live to both answer common questions and drive likes to your Facebook page.

Say that a customer named Mary sent in an email that would be best answered as a demonstration instead of a long text email. You could write her back and say, “Mary, thanks for asking! We get this question often, so we are going to do a live demo on our Facebook page showing you exactly how to use it at 2 p.m. tomorrow. If you can’t make it then, the video will be available to view on our newsfeed afterwards.”

Then if Mary showed up, you could mention her specifically while doing the demonstration. Imagine the type of brand loyalty this would inspire in Mary as opposed to her getting a dry email response that other companies offer?


Host an Open Q&A

A business that shows its current and potential customers that it really cares about them as individuals and helping them improve their lives is a business that will win every time. An easy way to do this is to use Facebook Live to hold a question-and-answer session.

You could post about the upcoming session throughout your social media networks, through your company newsletter, on your blog, and on your website. Let people know that you’re willing to respond to any question they have, whether it be about a product, a service, or an aspect of your company. It’s just another way to boost engagement.

One of the best parts about Facebook Live is that you can repurpose the video any way you want. You can share previously recorded videos on other social media networks. You can embed the video on your FAQs page. You can even add a link to it in your email signature.

How could Facebook Live benefit your business and increase engagement?


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